diff --git a/.config/zsh/lib/30-prompt.zsh b/.config/zsh/lib/30-prompt.zsh index 7f28d00..92bab40 100644 --- a/.config/zsh/lib/30-prompt.zsh +++ b/.config/zsh/lib/30-prompt.zsh @@ -2,16 +2,21 @@ setopt prompt_subst autoload -U promptinit promptinit +## Print bold red username when UID = 0, else unsername in green +p_user='%(!.%F{red}%B%n%b%f.%F{green}%n%f)' +## Print red # when UID = 0, else @ in blue +p_at='%(!.%F{red}%B#%b%f.%F{blue}@%f)' +## Print hostname in blue +p_host='%F{blue}%m%f' +## Print path in yellow +p_path='%F{yellow}%~%f' +## Print prompt sign in red if the previous command retunend and error, otherwise print it in white +p_pr='%(?.%F{white}.%F{red}) %B〉%b%f' + # Add green arrows (⇣⇡) if connection is via ssh if [[ "${SSH_CONNECTION}" ]]; then p_ssh=" %F{green}⇣⇡%f"; fi; -p_user='%(!.%F{red}%B%n%b%f.%F{green}%n%f)' -p_at='%(!.%F{red}%B#%b%f.%F{blue}@%f)' -p_host='%F{blue}%m%f' -p_path='%F{yellow}%~%f' -p_pr='%(?.%F{white}.%F{red}) 〉%f' - PS1="$p_user$p_at$p_host$p_ssh $p_path$p_pr" unset p_at p_user p_host p_path p_pr \ No newline at end of file