SHELL = /bin/sh HOMEDIR = ${HOME} .PHONY: help all .DEFAULT_GOAL := help # This will output the help for each task # thanks to help: ## This help @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {printf "\033[1;1;36m%-30s\033[1;0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) all: git-fetch git-secrets-reveal deploy-macos ## Update repo, decrypt secrets and run deploy-macos install: git-fetch deploy-base ## Update repor and run deploy-base deploy-base: deploy-htop-zfs deploy-tmux deploy-vim deploy-zsh deploy-ssh deploy-hushlogin ## Only deploy basic conf files for shell usage deploy-workstation: deploy-base deploy-vscodium deploy-youtubedl ## Deploy workstation specific config files (inherits deploy-shell) deploy-macos: deploy-htop deploy-workstation deploy-duti deploy-brewfile ## Deploy macOS specific config files (inherits deploy-workstation) gen-vscodium-plugin-list: ## Update the list of VSCodium plugins @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Updating the list of VSCodium plugins at .config/VSCodium/UserUser/extensions.list" @code --list-extensions > .config/VSCodium/UserUser/extensions.list git-secrets-hide: ## Hide secrets with git-secret @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Encrypting secrets." @git secret hide @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Creating commit." @git add -A && git commit -m "Updated secrets." git-secrets-reveal: ## Reveal secrets with git-secret @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Decrypting secrets." @git secret reveal @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Remove encrypted files." @git secret clean git-fetch: ## Fetch changes from origin @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Fetching changes from origin." @git fetch origin main git-push: ## Push changes to origin @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Pushing changes to origin." @git push origin main git-update-submodules: ## Update all submodules @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Updating git submodules." @git submodule update --init --recursive && \ git submodule foreach git pull --recurse-submodules origin brew-bundle: ## Install applications with brew bundle @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m\033[1;0m Installing applications from .config/Brewfile" @brew bundle --file .config/Brewfile --force || true brew-bundle-cleanup: ## Removew all appplications that are not listed in Brewfile @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Removing applications that are not listed in .config/Brewfile" @brew bundle cleanup --zap --force --file .config/Brewfile deploy-duti: ## Deploy duti config @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Deploy duti config to ${HOMEDIR}/.config/duti" @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/duti @cp .config/duti/* ${HOMEDIR}/.config/duti @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Processing duti config from ${HOMEDIR}/.config/duti" @duti ${HOMEDIR}/.config/duti deploy-htop: ## Deploy htop config @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Deploy htop config to ${HOMEDIR}/.config/htop" @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/htop @cp .config/htop/htoprc ${HOMEDIR}/.config/htop/htoprc deploy-htop-zfs: ## Deploy htop config with zfs @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Deploy htop config to ${HOMEDIR}/.config/htop" @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/htop @cp .config/htop/htoprc.zfs ${HOMEDIR}/.config/htop/htoprc deploy-tmux: ## Deploy tmux config @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Deploy tmux config to ${HOMEDIR}/.config/tmux" @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/tmux @cp .config/tmux/*.conf ${HOMEDIR}/.config/tmux deploy-vim: ## Deploy vim config @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Deploy vim config to ${HOMEDIR}/.config/vim" @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/vim @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/vim/autoload @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/vim/backup @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/vim/colors @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/vim/plugged @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/vim/swap @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/vim/undo @cp .config/vim/vimrc ${HOMEDIR}/.config/vim deploy-vscodium: ## Deploy VSCodium config @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Deploy VSCodium config to ${HOMEDIR}/.config/VSCodium/User" @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/VSCodium/User @cp .config/VSCodium/User/*.json ${HOMEDIR}/.config/VSCodium/User @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Install VSCodium extensions from ${HOMEDIR}/.config/VSCodium/User/extensions.list" @cat .config/VSCodium/User/extensions.list | xargs -L 1 code --install-extension deploy-youtubedl: ## Deploy youtube-dl config @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Deploy youtube-dl config to ${HOMEDIR}/.config/youtube-dl" @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/youtube-dl @cp .config/youtube-dl/config ${HOMEDIR}/.config/youtube-dl deploy-zsh: ## Deploy zsh config @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Deploy zsh config to ${HOMEDIR}/.config/zsh" @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/zsh @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/zsh/functions @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config/zsh/lib @cp .zshenv ${HOMEDIR}/ @cp .config/zsh/.z* ${HOMEDIR}/.config/zsh @cp .config/zsh/functions/* ${HOMEDIR}/.config/zsh/functions @cp .config/zsh/lib/*.zsh ${HOMEDIR}/.config/zsh/lib deploy-brewfile: ## Deploy Brewfile @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Deploy Brewfile to ${HOMEDIR}/.config/" @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.config @cp .config/Brewfile ${HOMEDIR}/.config/ deploy-ssh: ## Deploy SSH config @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Deploy SSH config to ${HOMEDIR}/.ssh" @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.ssh/master @mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}/.ssh/conf.d @cp .ssh/config ${HOMEDIR}/.ssh/ -@cp .ssh/conf.d/*.conf ${HOMEDIR}/.ssh/conf.d deploy-hushlogin: ## Deploy .hushlogin @echo "\033[1;32m>>>\033[1;0m Deploy .hushlogin to ${HOMEDIR}" @cp .hushlogin ${HOMEDIR}/