## $ZDOTDIR/.zlogin - Contains commands that should be executed only in login shells ## Load config files in $ZSH/lib that for stage 3 for config_file ($ZDOTDIR/lib/30-*.zsh) source $config_file ## Run tasks in background ( #Initalize and compile completion cache autoload -Uz compinit compinit ## Compile startup files autoload -Uz zrecompile for ((i=1; i <= $#fpath; ++i)); do dir=$fpath[i] zwc=${dir:t}.zwc if [[ $dir == (.|..) || $dir == (.|..)/* ]]; then continue fi files=($dir/*(N-.)) if [[ -w $dir:h && -n $files ]]; then files=(${${(M)files%/*/*}#/}) if ( cd $dir:h && zrecompile -p -U -z $zwc $files ); then fpath[i]=$fpath[i].zwc fi fi done ) ## Update or install vim plugins vim -i NONE +PlugUpdate +PlugClean! +qal ## Print some system info uname -npsr uptime